Service Children's Champion

Proud to support children and young people from military-connected families across North Yorkshire

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About Service Children

A Service child is defined as a person whose parent, or carer, serves in the regular armed forces, or as reservist or has done at any point during the first 25 years of the person’s life.

In North Yorkshire, as of November 2022, there are 2653 Service children – one of the largest populations in the country. North Yorkshire is home to the largest garrison in Europe which can be found in Catterick. 223 of our schools have a Service child footprint and the average number of Service children per school is 11.

The Service Children’s Champion team was first established in 2012 and it’s role is to support Service children, their families and professionals who are responsible for their care. They organise and host a range of events

throughout the school year in order to raise awareness and to give Service children an opportunity to come together and celebrate. The team also provides well-being courses and resources, facilitates Service Children Network meetings and to advocate on behalf of Service children.

Service children do face lots of barriers and challenges due to the impact of their parent’s military career such as frequent moves, dips in learning and struggling with the loss of friendships however there are also many positive aspects of the force’s lifestyle. It is important that we also celebrate the children’s contribution to society through events such as the Annual Service to Remember and the Month of the Military Child.

We hope that you find the support you need through our website and if you have further questions and need further support please don’t hesitate to contact us.